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  • Sunday, March 17, 2013

    chat-womanAFAIK - As far as I Know

    AFAIC - As far as I’m Concerned
    AFAICT - As far as I Can Tell
    AFK - Away From Keyboard
    ASAP - As soon as Possible
    ASL - Age,Sex,Location

    BAG - Big @ss Grin
    BAK - Back At Keyboard
    BBL - Be Back Later
    BF - BoyFriend
    BFD - Big Fricken Deal
    BITMT - But In The Meantime

    BOT - Back On Topic
    BRB - Be Right Back
    BSEG - BIG Sh*t Eat’n Grin
    BTW - By the way
    C4N - Ciao For Now
    CRS - Can’t Remember “Stuff”
    CU - See You
    CUL8R - See You Later
    CWOT - Complete Waste Of Time
    CYA - See Ya
    DIY - Do It Yourself
    EOD - End Of Discussion
    EZ - Easy
    F2F - Face To Face
    FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
    FBOW - For Better Or Worse

    FOAF - Friend Of A Friend
    FOCL - Falling Off Chair Laughing
    FWIW - For What It’s Worth
    FYA - For Your Amusement
    FYI - For Your Information
    /ga - Go Ahead
    GAL - Get A Life
    GBTW - Get Back To Work
    GF - Girlfriend
    GFC - Going For Coffee
    GFETE - Grinning From Ear To Ear
    GMTA - Great minds think alike

    GR&D - Grinning, Running & Ducking
    GTG - Got To Go
    GTGTTBR - Got To Go To The Bathroom
    GTRM - Going To Read Mail
    GU - Geographically Undesirable
    H8 - Hate
    HAND - Have A Nice Day
    HHOK - Ha Ha Only Kidding
    HTH - Hope This Helps
    IAC - In Any Case
    IAE - In Any Event
    IANAL - I am not a lawyer
    IC - I See
    IDGI - I Don’t Get It
    IMCO - In My Considered Opinion
    IMHO - In my humble opinion
    IMNHO - In my NEVER humble opinion
    IMNSHO - in My Not So Humble Opinion
    IMO - In My Opinion
    IMPE - In My Personal Experience
    IMVHO - In My Very Humble Opinion
    IOW - In Other Words
    IRL - In Real Life
    ISP - Internet Service Provider
    IYKWIM - If You Know What I Mean
    JIC - Just In Case

    J/K - Just kidding
    KISS - Keep It Simple Stupid
    L8R - Later
    LOL - Laughing Out Loud
    LMAO - Laughing My **** Off
    LMFAO - Laughing My F*cking **** Off
    LTNS - Long Time No See
    MorF - Male or Female
    M$ULCzY- Miss You Like a Crazy

    MTCW - My Two Cents Worth
    NBD - No Big Deal
    NRN - No Reply Necessary
    NTK - Need To Know
    ONNA - Oh No, Not Again!

    OTOH - On The Other Hand
    OTTOMH - Off the top of my head
    OIC - Oh I See
    OTF - On The Floor
    OLL - Online Love
    PITA - Pain In The @ss
    PLS - Please
    PSTFU - Please…Shut The Fluck Up
    PU - That Stinks!
    REHI - Hello Again (re-Hi!)
    RL - Real Life

    ROFL - Rolling On Floor Laughing
    ROTF - Rolling On The Floor
    ROTFL - Rolling On The Floor Laughing
    RSN - Real Soon Now
    RTDox - Read The Documentation
    RTFM - Read The Frickin’ Manual
    RUOK - Are You OK?
    RW - Real World
    SNAFU - Situation Normal All Fouled Up
    SO - Significant Other

    SOL - Smiling Out Loud (or Sh*t Out of Luck)
    TANSTAAFL - There Ain’t No Such Thing As A Free Lunch
    TAFN - That’s All For Now
    TEOTWAWKI - The End Of The World As We Know It
    TMI - To Much Information
    TTFN - Ta Tah For Now
    TY - Thank You
    WEG - Wicked Evil Grin
    WTF - What The F*ck
    YW - Your Welcome
    JstCLMe -just call me

    KIT -keep in touch
    L8 -late
    L8R -later
    LETA –letter
    LOL -laugh out loud
    LstinU -lost in you
    LtsGt2gthr -let’s get together
    MGB -may god bless
    MkeMyDaSa+! -make my day, say yes
    Mob -mobile
    MYOB -mind your own business
    NE -any
    NE1 -anyone
    NO1 -no-one
    MO -moment

    OIC -oh, I see
    OTOH -on the other hand
    PCM -please call me
    PLS -please
    PPL -people
    R -are
    ResQMe -rescue me
    RMB -ring my bell
    RU? -are you?
    RUOK? -are you okay (ok)
    Salt&ILDoIT -say it & I’ll do it
    SETE -Smiling ear to ear

    SIT -stay in touch
    SO -significant other
    SOH -sense of humour
    SOHF -sense of humour failure
    SOME1 -someone
    SRy -sorry
    SYS -see you soon
    TDTU -totally devoted to you
    THNQ -thank you
    Thx -thanks
    Ti2GO -time to go
    TTFN -ta ta for now
    TTYL8R -talk to you later
    TWIMC -to whom it may concern
    U -you
    UCnDoMgic -you can do magic
    UdoSumthn2Me -you do something to me
    UR -you are
    WAN2 -want to
    WAN2TLK? -want to talk
    WenCnICUAgn? -when can I see you again?
    WER R U? -where are you?
    WRT -with respect to
    WTTW -word to the wise
    WUWH -wish you were here
    XLNT -excellent
    Xclusvly Yas -exclusively yours
    Y? -why?
    YBS -you’ll be sorry
    NE - Any
    1ce - once
    2d4 - to die for
    2l8 - too late
    2nite - tonight
    911 - emergency, call me
    afaik - as far as I know asap - as soon as possible
    awhfy - are we having fun yet
    2 - to/too/two
    2g4u - too good for you
    3sum - threesome
    4yeo - for your eyes only
    b/c - because
    bbc - bring beer and chips
    bbl - be back later
    bf - boyfriend
    bhl8 - be home late
    brb - be right back
    c - see
    cid - consider it done
    coz - because
    dk - don't know dylm - do you like me
    eod - end of discussion
    f2f - face to face
    g2g - got to go
    gf girlfriend
    gsoh - good sense of humour
    h8 - hate
    hbtu - Happy Birthday to you
    how r u - how are you
    [:-) - wearing a walkman
    2bctnd - to be continued
    2day - today 4 - for
    4f? - For Friends?
    add - address
    aka - also known as
    ATP - All the best
    @ - at
    2cool4u - too cool for you
    2mor,2moro - tomorrow
    4e - forever
    ayor - at your own risk
    b4 - before
    b4n - bye for now bcnu - be seeing' you
    b'day - birthday
    bg - big grin
    bil - boss is listening
    btw - by the way
    cb - ciao baby
    cm - call me
    c u - see you
    dly - I don't like you
    e2eg - ear to ear grin
    ez - easy
    f2t - free to talk gal - get a life
    gr8 - great
    gudluk - good luck


    [contact-form][contact-field label='Name' type='name' required='1'/][contact-field label='Website review' type='radio' options='Helpful,Not helpful'/][/contact-form]

    Short words for chatting

    Posted at  3:34 AM  |  in  fb  |  Read More»

    chat-womanAFAIK - As far as I Know

    AFAIC - As far as I’m Concerned
    AFAICT - As far as I Can Tell
    AFK - Away From Keyboard
    ASAP - As soon as Possible
    ASL - Age,Sex,Location

    BAG - Big @ss Grin
    BAK - Back At Keyboard
    BBL - Be Back Later
    BF - BoyFriend
    BFD - Big Fricken Deal
    BITMT - But In The Meantime

    BOT - Back On Topic
    BRB - Be Right Back
    BSEG - BIG Sh*t Eat’n Grin
    BTW - By the way
    C4N - Ciao For Now
    CRS - Can’t Remember “Stuff”
    CU - See You
    CUL8R - See You Later
    CWOT - Complete Waste Of Time
    CYA - See Ya
    DIY - Do It Yourself
    EOD - End Of Discussion
    EZ - Easy
    F2F - Face To Face
    FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
    FBOW - For Better Or Worse

    FOAF - Friend Of A Friend
    FOCL - Falling Off Chair Laughing
    FWIW - For What It’s Worth
    FYA - For Your Amusement
    FYI - For Your Information
    /ga - Go Ahead
    GAL - Get A Life
    GBTW - Get Back To Work
    GF - Girlfriend
    GFC - Going For Coffee
    GFETE - Grinning From Ear To Ear
    GMTA - Great minds think alike

    GR&D - Grinning, Running & Ducking
    GTG - Got To Go
    GTGTTBR - Got To Go To The Bathroom
    GTRM - Going To Read Mail
    GU - Geographically Undesirable
    H8 - Hate
    HAND - Have A Nice Day
    HHOK - Ha Ha Only Kidding
    HTH - Hope This Helps
    IAC - In Any Case
    IAE - In Any Event
    IANAL - I am not a lawyer
    IC - I See
    IDGI - I Don’t Get It
    IMCO - In My Considered Opinion
    IMHO - In my humble opinion
    IMNHO - In my NEVER humble opinion
    IMNSHO - in My Not So Humble Opinion
    IMO - In My Opinion
    IMPE - In My Personal Experience
    IMVHO - In My Very Humble Opinion
    IOW - In Other Words
    IRL - In Real Life
    ISP - Internet Service Provider
    IYKWIM - If You Know What I Mean
    JIC - Just In Case

    J/K - Just kidding
    KISS - Keep It Simple Stupid
    L8R - Later
    LOL - Laughing Out Loud
    LMAO - Laughing My **** Off
    LMFAO - Laughing My F*cking **** Off
    LTNS - Long Time No See
    MorF - Male or Female
    M$ULCzY- Miss You Like a Crazy

    MTCW - My Two Cents Worth
    NBD - No Big Deal
    NRN - No Reply Necessary
    NTK - Need To Know
    ONNA - Oh No, Not Again!

    OTOH - On The Other Hand
    OTTOMH - Off the top of my head
    OIC - Oh I See
    OTF - On The Floor
    OLL - Online Love
    PITA - Pain In The @ss
    PLS - Please
    PSTFU - Please…Shut The Fluck Up
    PU - That Stinks!
    REHI - Hello Again (re-Hi!)
    RL - Real Life

    ROFL - Rolling On Floor Laughing
    ROTF - Rolling On The Floor
    ROTFL - Rolling On The Floor Laughing
    RSN - Real Soon Now
    RTDox - Read The Documentation
    RTFM - Read The Frickin’ Manual
    RUOK - Are You OK?
    RW - Real World
    SNAFU - Situation Normal All Fouled Up
    SO - Significant Other

    SOL - Smiling Out Loud (or Sh*t Out of Luck)
    TANSTAAFL - There Ain’t No Such Thing As A Free Lunch
    TAFN - That’s All For Now
    TEOTWAWKI - The End Of The World As We Know It
    TMI - To Much Information
    TTFN - Ta Tah For Now
    TY - Thank You
    WEG - Wicked Evil Grin
    WTF - What The F*ck
    YW - Your Welcome
    JstCLMe -just call me

    KIT -keep in touch
    L8 -late
    L8R -later
    LETA –letter
    LOL -laugh out loud
    LstinU -lost in you
    LtsGt2gthr -let’s get together
    MGB -may god bless
    MkeMyDaSa+! -make my day, say yes
    Mob -mobile
    MYOB -mind your own business
    NE -any
    NE1 -anyone
    NO1 -no-one
    MO -moment

    OIC -oh, I see
    OTOH -on the other hand
    PCM -please call me
    PLS -please
    PPL -people
    R -are
    ResQMe -rescue me
    RMB -ring my bell
    RU? -are you?
    RUOK? -are you okay (ok)
    Salt&ILDoIT -say it & I’ll do it
    SETE -Smiling ear to ear

    SIT -stay in touch
    SO -significant other
    SOH -sense of humour
    SOHF -sense of humour failure
    SOME1 -someone
    SRy -sorry
    SYS -see you soon
    TDTU -totally devoted to you
    THNQ -thank you
    Thx -thanks
    Ti2GO -time to go
    TTFN -ta ta for now
    TTYL8R -talk to you later
    TWIMC -to whom it may concern
    U -you
    UCnDoMgic -you can do magic
    UdoSumthn2Me -you do something to me
    UR -you are
    WAN2 -want to
    WAN2TLK? -want to talk
    WenCnICUAgn? -when can I see you again?
    WER R U? -where are you?
    WRT -with respect to
    WTTW -word to the wise
    WUWH -wish you were here
    XLNT -excellent
    Xclusvly Yas -exclusively yours
    Y? -why?
    YBS -you’ll be sorry
    NE - Any
    1ce - once
    2d4 - to die for
    2l8 - too late
    2nite - tonight
    911 - emergency, call me
    afaik - as far as I know asap - as soon as possible
    awhfy - are we having fun yet
    2 - to/too/two
    2g4u - too good for you
    3sum - threesome
    4yeo - for your eyes only
    b/c - because
    bbc - bring beer and chips
    bbl - be back later
    bf - boyfriend
    bhl8 - be home late
    brb - be right back
    c - see
    cid - consider it done
    coz - because
    dk - don't know dylm - do you like me
    eod - end of discussion
    f2f - face to face
    g2g - got to go
    gf girlfriend
    gsoh - good sense of humour
    h8 - hate
    hbtu - Happy Birthday to you
    how r u - how are you
    [:-) - wearing a walkman
    2bctnd - to be continued
    2day - today 4 - for
    4f? - For Friends?
    add - address
    aka - also known as
    ATP - All the best
    @ - at
    2cool4u - too cool for you
    2mor,2moro - tomorrow
    4e - forever
    ayor - at your own risk
    b4 - before
    b4n - bye for now bcnu - be seeing' you
    b'day - birthday
    bg - big grin
    bil - boss is listening
    btw - by the way
    cb - ciao baby
    cm - call me
    c u - see you
    dly - I don't like you
    e2eg - ear to ear grin
    ez - easy
    f2t - free to talk gal - get a life
    gr8 - great
    gudluk - good luck


    [contact-form][contact-field label='Name' type='name' required='1'/][contact-field label='Website review' type='radio' options='Helpful,Not helpful'/][/contact-form]


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